Arrested Development

Thanks to recommendations from a few different friends, I finally started watching the first season of Arrested Development. Late to the party? Yes. But that’s what Netflix is for, right? šŸ™‚ I’m already addicted to the show, and I’m only 5 episodes in. So far, Will Arnett’s character is my favorite, although Jason Bateman’s Michael Bluth is very close behind. Are you a fan of the show? Which episode do you love the most?

(Images via IMDB)



I. LOVE. THIS. SHOW. I could re-watch the three seasons a zillion times and never get sick of it. The writing is perfection. My favorite characters change by the episode– Michael, George, George Michael, Gob, Lindsay, Buster, Tobias… they all make me laugh so hard I fall victim to “silent laughter:” the kind where you laugh so hard you can’t make a sound šŸ™‚

Rachel Bowie

Kate, I am totally addicted! You are right, my favorite characters do change by the episode. I can’t believe how late I am to start watching this show. Always nice to discover something on Netflix that you otherwise might have missed! šŸ™‚

Rachel Bowie

@Julia: Thanks so much for sharing your blog – I love it! I’m almost finished with season one of the show and will now be re-living each episode with the fashion recaps on your blog!


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