I forgot my phone

On Friday night, the unthinkable happened. I went out the door…and forgot my phone. You know what I missed? Nothing. No calls, no texts, no BBMs. Instead, I enjoyed a few technology-free hours and discovered something simple: bliss.

(Photo courtesy Leah Dieterich and thxthxthx.com)

Lovely Bride

The LovelyBride.com homepage.

Although I’ve never been a girl that spends hours fantasizing about the details of my own ‘I do’, for the first time, Lovely Bride kind of makes me want to. The site’s design is sweet and the blog is filled with cute and inspirational ideas. Plus, the shop’s owners think Cafe Cluny is ‘lovely’ too — another point on which I happen to agree. So, what do you think? Any brides/brides-to-be/wedding-lovers that adore this site too?

We made sushi!

We did it! We made sushi! And with the help of the iPhone app “Teach me Sushi,” it was actually fairly easy to do. For next time, there are only a few things we’d change:

1) Make real edamame. It was my fault — I thought my local supermarket would carry it. Turns out you need to go to a specialty food store or local farmer’s market to find it. Anyways, we had to go with the frozen kind, which steamed with sea salt, wasn’t that bad.
2) Use a firmer grip on the Bamboo Sushi Roller. As you’ll notice from the pics, some of the rolls don’t form a complete seaweed circle. Practice makes perfect with that, but it’s a good thing to keep in mind.
3) Buy more wine. Making sushi takes time. While one bottle should be enough to get you through, it’s smart to have a second one on hand just in case you run out. Because when the sushi-making gets tough, the tough need more wine.

But overall, it was fun. And how did it taste? So good.

The weekend is here!

I wonder — will our sushi look as good as this?

Big weekend plans tonight! Matt and I are going to try making our own sushi. We’re going with the basics: Spicy Tuna and California rolls. To add to our ambition, we’re making edamame too.

Now, Matt already knows — when it comes to cooking skills, mine are limited to say the least. But we figure this is something that will be an adventure of sorts. And in the event of a massive screw up, I’ve got Sushi Hana on speed dial.

What about you? Has anyone ever made their own sushi before? Check back next week — I’ll let you know how it goes!