Exciting news: Matt and I are going to London in just a few short weeks! Even more exciting? I’ve never been. (Pretty crazy considering I’m such a Royal Family fan.) Most of our accommodations are booked—we even managed to squeeze in an overnight trip to Paris—but now the fun part: Mapping out all the things we want to do. Here a few of the things that are at the top of my list.

1. Visit Kensington Palace and see Princess Diana’s dresses. Yep, just in time for our trip, there’s a brand new exhibit opening called Diana: Her Fashion Story. I can’t wait to see so many memorable pieces—like the dress she wore to the White House to dance with John Travolta—in this collection. The craziest part? This will be my second time seeing her clothes up close. (I saw them in Lowell, Massachusetts as a kid when a special exhibit traveled through town.)

2. Explore Portobello Road and Notting Hill. The streets look so colorful and it seems like the perfect place to meander and shop around—especially if we time it for the Saturday outdoor market.

3. See a play (or two). Matt nabbed tickets for a couple of shows already—one done entirely by candlelight by Shakespeare’s Globe and the other starring Daniel Radcliffe in the West End.
Clearly, this is just scraping the surface of all the things we plan to see and do, but would love to hear any travel recommendations you have! (The more Royal-related, the better, of course.)