Monthly Archives: October 2010

The weekend is here!

Happy weekend dear readers and happy Halloween! You won’t believe it, but this weekend I’m going Gaga — Lady Gaga that is. It’s the Halloween costume I decided on, blond wig and all! Something about the idea struck my fancy a few weeks back. A mini-shopping spree on (yes, I am moderately ashamed) and… Read more »

Row, row, row your boat

The best way to spend a sunny day in New York? I’ll admit, the possibilities are endless, but renting a rowboat from the Central Park Boathouse just might be my new favorite thing to do. Is it touristy? Sure. But incredibly fun? Absolutely. Here are a few photos from my excursion in the Park with… Read more »

DIY whirly chandeliers

Leave it to CB2 to come up with one of the most creative (and budget-friendly) ideas for a DIY modern chandelier. Simply purchase 18 of their whirly hanging candleholders, 18 LED Smart Tealights, and follow their simple ‘how-to’ instructions for design. What a fun way to brighten up your home!  (Photos courtesy of CB2)

‘I’m Yours’ on the ukulele

My sister sent this over to me as a mid-week treat. If you ask me, this little guy gives Jason Mraz a run for his money. Too cute!

DIY Halloween candy

Leave it to Oprah to provide us with the sweetest Halloween treat: the recipes for seven different types of candy, and so much sugary goodness we can’t believe our eyes! The lollipops look like fun, and the Honey Caramel Corn Balls sound too good to be true. But no matter what recipe I decide to… Read more »