Lately, a lot of friends—some newly engaged—keep asking me for my best wedding advice. The biggest takeaway from my wedding is to each their own, meaning the stuff that mattered to me (invitations, picking a location with meaning, the photographer) may not matter for another bride. Still, there are three things that I’m so very glad Matt and I did.

1. I’m so happy we invited kids. Again, this is a personal decision—and we mainly included kids who were family—but having my cousin’s kids as flower girls kept the entire day very real. Some examples: When we were getting ready, they were more nervous than me. When right before walking down the aisle, they asked—completely bewildered—why my dad was walking me down the aisle when I was marrying Matt. And when, instead of posing for a serious photo, we made faces instead.

2. I’m so glad I listened to this advice. A couple of nights before the wedding, we ran into one of Matt’s friends on the street in our neighborhood. He shared the following wedding advice: “Just remember, no one remembers what happens at your wedding. What they remember is how you react to it.” As it poured (and poured) on our big day, those were the words ringing around my head.

3. I’m so thankful we gathered everyone for a group shot. This advice came from my old boss—she said that she attended a wedding and it was one of the most fun things that everyone was included in a formal shot. (There’s a bonus, she explained at the time, since you can also turn it into a thank you note.) It was no easy feat for our photographer to corral all 99 guests, but she did it and we did it and it’s one of my favorite shots.
Are there wedding things that you’re so happy you thought to do? Share them in the comments below.
(Photos by Christine Han)