TV Page: Big Little Lies

MV5BODg0OTUxNjU1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzgyODAzMTI@._V1_SX1500_CR0,0,1500,999_AL_Guys: Are you watching this new HBO show? I’m kind of obsessed — and we’re only three episodes in. It’s based on the 2015 book by Liane Moriarty and it stars Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Shailene Woodley (among a few very famous others).

Three things that I love about it:


1. Reese Witherspoon. The lady does TV well. She also nails the part of the do-gooder yet totally fierce and gossipy mom. I’m so excited to see how her character’s story unfolds.


2. The Monterey, California homes. Um, every time I see Nicole Kidman’s by-the-beach estate, all I can think is: When can I move in? (Ditto Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern.


3. The writing. Did you know David E. Kelley (of Boston Legal and Ally McBeal fame) is the genius creator behind the show? The story-telling is so detailed and intricate, which totally makes sense given that he’s at the helm.

So, if you haven’t started watching, the series is only three episodes in. (There are six episodes total, so it’s a super small commitment, too.) If you are watching, let me know what you think!

(Image 1, 2, 3, 4)