We did it! As I mentioned, my dad, sister and I all signed up to run the Scottish Run 10K with New York Road Runners in Central Park. This was no easy feat! Aside from the actual running part, my dad and sister had to travel into town for the race. My sister flew in all the way from LA!

My mom and Matt were our cheerleaders for the race. We needed someone to take the pics and document this awesome family moment! That said, credit goes to my sister for catching the family selfie above.

This race was extra special for my dad because it was was my sister’s first organized race. She’s a huge runner (she runs 6 miles a day on the west coast!), but has never signed up for an official road race with other people. She handled it like a pro—and ran an 8 minute mile!

My favorite part about the Scottish Run is the bag-pipers that appear at every mile marker. It’s such a nice way to celebrate the small victories—and so encouraging when you’re rounding the bend.

Here’s a shot of me crossing the finish line. I love that Matt snapped this pic right when I was standing on top of the traffic directional, “Slow.” I was the last to finish of the three of us, but I ran the whole way. Still, my pace just tends to be, well, slow. 😉
Have you ever run a road race? What did you think?
Love this post! 🙂 xoxo