Date night at home

How do you choose to spend a date night in? For Matt and I, there’s nothing we love more than renting a movie on demand (or in our case, through Vudu or the independent video store down the block). But there is a catch: we alternate movie picks. In our opinion, this allows us to see what we want to see, and in the process, expose the other person to movies they might not have otherwise watched. Well, it doesn’t always go as planned.

Case in point: for my most recent pick, I chose Woody Allen’s Bullets Over Broadway, a silly, romantic comedy I’d always wanted to see. Now, Matt’s turn. He chose Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, a dialog-driven thriller he couldn’t believe I’d never seen. The result? Expanded horizons for us both—and a realization that nothing (I repeat, nothing) could have prepared me for what happened after Mia and Vincent’s dance. 🙂

Tell me—how do you choose to spend a date night at home?

(Image 1, Image 2)

Cocktail of choice

Do you have a signature cocktail that you always order? In Glamour magazine’s book, “30 Things Everyone Should Know Before Turning 30,” they recommend you have a handle on your signature drink before entering your third decade. Sure—I have a signature wine (sauvignon blanc), but a signature cocktail? This has yet to be determined.

I will say, during my time in Boston, the Au Provence at Eastern Standard was my drink of choice. A mix of vodka, simple syrup and lime juice, it was a spruced up version of a gimlet.
Before I commit to the gimlet as my new signature drink, is there a cocktail you’d recommend? What’s your favorite drink?

(Note: The clock is ticking—T minus 3(ish) weeks until the big 3-0!)

The weekend is here!

Happy Friday! Whew—what a week. I can’t wait to relax and enjoy the weekend ahead. 🙂 What do you have planned for the next couple of days off? I have big plans to tackle one of the items on my summer to-do list: finally go and see Amy Adams in Shakespeare in the Park. Let’s hope the weather cooperates! Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Garance Doré for Kate Spade. Swoon.

The best accessory advice.

Kiss, kiss!

Olympics, rewind!

More Cary Grant please.

A gorgeous botanical calendar.

Obsessed with wallpaper.

An Instagram summer.

The book I’m reading now.

Olympic style, a la Kate. 

(Image via Wit & Delight)

DIY Fashion

I recently purchased and wore this dress from J.Crew for a rehearsal dinner in Maine. I love the outfit, but after seeing this DIY idea from A Beautiful Mess, I realize that I may have been able to create the look myself! How amazing is this design idea? She looks so chic! My mom used to make all of her (very fashionable) clothes in high school and college, and after seeing this, I’m inspired to do the same.

What do you think—have you ever made your own clothes?

Snowy days

On these hot and humid city days, I can’t help but think of New York in the snow. So pretty—and yet, so cold! I think I’ll do my best to appreciate the heat while it lasts. 🙂

How about you—do you prefer the heat or the cold?

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