The modern way to camp

As a kid, I spent many a vacation camping out in Maine. I loved it ā€” the ruggedness of the outdoors, the peacefulness of nature, the s’mores. šŸ™‚ Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the Hotel Huettenpalast in Berlin. During your stay, choose from a regular room or stay in one of their indoor caravans or cabins (pictured above). It’s camping-meets childhood fort-meets art, don’t you think? The hotel even brands itself around a Maurice Sendak quote: “There has to be more to life than having everything.” That’s camping in a nutshell in my book. So cool!

(Via Design Mom)

Walk this way

Now that we’re at the point where it’s pretty consistently warm in New York, I’ve been walking home through Central Park after work as often as I can. Here is a shot that I snapped along the way. It’s just past the Boat House, with dusk setting in. Kind of peaceful and serene, don’t you think? šŸ™‚

Happy Monday afternoon! xx

How to: Organize the Chaos

This past weekend, I was in an organizing state of mind. I’m generally neat, but I always have piles of clutter that pop up around my room and my apartment. So, on Saturday, I took inspiration from Pippa at Sous Style ā€” don’t you envy her organizing system and pristine apartment above? I especially love her groceries-to-buy list (found a similar one here) and her fantastic technique to photograph the shoes she owns and stick it to the side of the box.

What’s your favorite DIY organization trick? Would love your tips and suggestions as I continue my attempt to streamline my home!

(Images via Sous Style) 

The weekend is here!

Happy Friday! Another week gone by! What’s on tap for your weekend? Blame Matt, but I’m kind of excited for the Giants/Mets match-up in New York. šŸ™‚ We’ll probably watch a couple of the games this weekend. So excited that baseball season has arrived! Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Downton Sixby

The Queen in color.

Plan your escape.

The chair of my dreams.

My next movie pick.  

Ping-pong style. 

A DIY picnic.

Oh, Kate.  

Words to live by. (Plus, a few more.) 

Me time daydream.

(Image via Chicasaurus Rex)

Be inspired by ‘She’

Have you heard of Kobi Yamada’s book She? It’s an incredible testament to the power of the female spirit, and a great reminder of the strength we draw from all the amazing women in our lives.

On a separate note, this coming Monday marks the 2012 Matrix Awards put on by New York Women in Communications. All that girl power in the same room? I can’t wait! 

(Images via Amazon)