Inspiration at home

Yes, I recently joined Pinterest, but I’m curious: do you maintain an inspiration board at home? I have for quite some time, although I think it needs to be updated a bit. I post everything ā€” photos of friends and I together, magazine clippings I love, clever greeting cards (like this). The sky’s the limit when it comes to sparking creative ideas. I mount everything on a bulletin board and have it set up so it’s the last thing I see before I walk out the door.

Tell me ā€” do you have an inspiration board at home? Do you have a Pinterest account (if you do, let me know so I can follow you!). 

(Image via Coco+Kelley)

Morning moment

The sunny kitchen set-up above got me thinking: how much leisure time do you set aside each morning before walking out the door to start a busy day? If I had a breakfast set-up like this, I’d love to build in an extra 30 minutes ā€” just enough time to wake up, read the newspaper, spend time pinning on Pinterest, or just sipping a cup of green tea.

What time do you wake up each morning? Do you allow any down time that’s just for you? 

(Image via Darling Dexter)

Ryan and George

I had the best Friday night ever this weekend: a homemade Italian dinner, a bottle of delicious red wine, and an on-demand rental of The Ides of March. Have you seen it? With George Clooney and Ryan Gosling sharing the screen, I didn’t know who to focus on first! The movie was good, too ā€” I’m curious to see if it wins for Best Adapted Screenplay, a tough call since it’s up against Moneyball, The Descendants, and Hugo. Regardless, I can’t get enough of the George/Ryan love. Too cute!

Watch the trailers for the Best Adapted Screenplay nominees here:

The Ides of March
The Descendants
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

(Images via Zimbio)

The weekend is here!

Happy weekend my darling readers! What do you have planned for the next couple of days off? I’m looking forward to sleeping, eating and reading ā€” but not in that order. Also, some exciting news: I registered to run my first 10K (which means this weekend, I will also be at the gym!). Remember the race I ran last year? Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web: 

Wonka-style veggies.

Think pink!

Pick a shade.

A Zodiac menu for Valentine’s.

The gift of instant comfort.

Live vicariously: be a kid again.

A creative home.

It’s time to dance.

The perfect snack

Calling cards to remember.

Remind others: it’s homemade.

Glamour is a bar table. 

(Image via Pinterest)