Glitter nail polish

Love it or hate it? Would you consider wearing glitter polish on your nails? I have to admit ā€” initially, I wasn’t a fan of the idea, but after seeing the pics above, I think it can look tasteful. Even fancy. During the holiday season, it seems like a great way to add sparkle to your look.

Deborah Lippman shared her glitter nail polish application tips with Refinery 29. Check out her amazing collection here. Do ya think I’m sexy is my new favorite shade!

(Images via Dream & Dress)

I want candy!

Blame my addiction to Sugar Heaven in Boston ā€” when I recently discovered Dewey’s Candy Store in Brooklyn Heights, I was over the moon! This adorable shop, located right next to the Brooklyn Bridge, is stocked with more sugary goodness than you could possible imagine. Choose from chocolate-covered gummy bears (my fave), swedish fish, and more. And if you don’t believe me, take your cue from the Gap. Dewey’s is the backdrop for Gap Kids’ Holiday 2011 “I Want Candy” commercial. So cute!

Holiday sparkles

Do you send out holiday cards in the mail? If so, how do you choose which card to send? I love spending hours finding exactly the right one. I usually pick a variety ā€” there are so many unique designs to choose from! This year, I’m leaning towards the cards pictured above from Dear Lola. “Have a sparkly holiday season” is exactly what I want to say. It’s a message that’s sweet, simple and stylish all at the same time.

To my friends and family, if this card shows up in your mailbox, pretend to be surprised! šŸ™‚ 

(Via Camille Styles and Etsy)

The weekend is here!

Happy Friday! I can’t believe how quickly this week went by. I always feel this way when Thanksgiving starts to approach ā€” lots to do and so little time to do it in! What do you have planned for the next couple of days off? As you know, I’m a huge fan of live jazz, and this weekend, some friends and I are doing a fancy night out at Blue Smoke. I can’t wait! Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Taking it to the next level.

A special invitation.

Look Ma! No hands

El Capitan

Don’t forget to play.

DIY wine rack.

Have a sparkly holiday

Red and pink (and SJP).

A pirate party! 

(Images via Sho and Tell)