Happy Friday! My dear readers, I hope each of you had a lovely week. Now, on to the weekend! What do you have planned? I’m hoping to finally start my holiday shopping — never an easy task! I’m also going to see Gatz at the Public Theater with Matt. A six hour play? We’ll see how I do! Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:
The fashionable princess-to-be: a look back.
I have so much to do that I’m going to bed.
Scenes from the High Line.
Atmosphere, earth and ocean prints!
The book I’m reading next.
Elton John gets a standing O.
Time to start a book club.
Ideas for a handmade wedding.
A happy puppy — and a staircase I adore!
Scarlet red from Alexander McQueen.
The coziest mittens to keep you warm.
A peek at the trailer for Matt LeBlanc’s new show, Episodes.
(Photo by labaronesa via flickr)