The weekend is here!

Happy weekend dear readers! This four-day week has flown by. I’m not only thrilled that it’s Friday, but also that the weather in New York has had a change of heart — it feels like spring again! What do you have planned for the next couple of days? Matt and I are considering going to Coney Island for the first time. Have you ever been? If you have, I would love any recommendations for can’t-miss rides or games to play. Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Summer eyelash trends.

Cute idea: hair turbans!

What I’m reading this weekend. (This too!)

This photo makes you wonder — what lies beneath?

An efficient salad bowl. (And a recipe to try.)

Bring back the ice cream social!

The perfect motto.

A strawberry scent. 

Sail away.

Because a little enthusiasm goes a long way.

Gold flats.

Beautiful coastlines.

The summer of sax. 

(Image by Laverrue via Flickr)


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