Mast Brothers Chocolate Factory Tour

I’m not as obsessed with chocolate as my sister is, but that still didn’t stop me from booking tickets for a behind-the-scenes tour of Mast Brothers Chocolate in Brooklyn over the weekend. Oh, the decadence! This only-in-New York brand produces American craft chocolate that is rich, flavorful, and melt-in-your-mouth good. I walked out the door with a Maine Sea Salt bar, but there were so many others — Black Truffle, Vanilla and Smoke, their very own Brooklyn Blend — that I was tempted to buy.

Garance Doré recently did an amazing post about the packaging for each bar — something worth checking out.

Have you tried this chocolate before? Better yet, have you been on the tour?



For the past 3 months I have literally eaten some kind of chocolate every day. I have been thinking about it a lot lately….I actually just sat down in bed with some trader joe’s chocolate and googled “Am I addicted to Chocolate?” That proved to be a pointless search, so I went to your blog and Low and Behold–I read the first line of this post. Ha!

Rachel Bowie

I love this note Alyssa — next time you come to New York, I will treat you to the chocolate tour. Better yet, I can send you my new favorite bar in the mail — the Maine Sea Salt chocolate from Mast Brothers is UNREAL! xo


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