Are you watching Show Me A Hero on HBO? It’s only six episodes — and I am doing my best to savor each one (seriously, I would watch season after season of this show). Here’s why:
1. It’s New York-specific. The plot follows the true story of Nick Wasicsko, the mayor of Yonkers, New York in the 1980s, who has to take a stand on the public housing desegregation battle that divided the city during this time. (Watch the show’s trailer here.)

2. It stars Oscar Isaac. The man is crazy talented. And passionate. And cute. And now I want to watch every film he’s ever made before this (especially this one, which I meant to see, but missed!).

3. It also stars Catherine Keener and Winona Ryder. Both super badass women (especially CK, who appears in sorta major disguise).

4. It’s brilliantly written. Seriously, David Simon — who’s the man behind The Wire — deserves an Emmy, a Golden Globe, all of the above. In six episodes, I care so deeply about each character…even the ones that probably get less than five minutes of screen time a show. The script is so honest and raw and makes me want a second season, like whoa.
Are you watching the show? More TV talk later this week — we need to discuss Olive Kitteredge!
[…] so I’m a few days late after promising this post last week, but I have to ask: Have you watched Olive Kitteridge? There’s no doubt […]