Eat like you’re in Paris


Honeymoon brainstorming is in full swing right now: I’m pushing for Paris (surprise, surprise!) — or really anywhere in France. I can’t believe it has been over a year since our trip last May. In my quest to nurse my Paris withdrawal, I discovered Montmartre, a wonderful little restaurant in Chelsea that immediately reminded me of my travels.


The outdoor garden is bliss, but the food! We had the sugar snap peas, the marinated beets, the hen of the woods mushrooms and, of course, the pomme frites. The service was low key and unpretentious — plus, we could actually hear each other speak without having to shout. We lingered unbothered in the backyard for close to five hours, chatting and soaking up the ambiance and summer air. Parfait!

So, in lieu of Paris, this restaurant will be my new go-to. 😉 Do you have a favorite spot for escaping New York while still in the city? Where is it?

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