Exciting news, you guys! I finally dedicated the time to thoughtfully assembly my very own gallery wall. (As you know, it takes quite a bit of time and patience…and math.) But basically, the same weekend that I finished this project and was admiring my work, we decided something kinda big…
We’re moving! Yep, a really (really) cool apartment nearby just opened up and we decided it was too good of a chance to pass up. We’ll still be in our same neighborhood, but it means I have to take my gallery wall down. It’s fine — I have every intention of reconstructing it at the new place — but it’s just ironic that I finally dedicated the time to the project only to have to start taking it down pretty much the next day. Such is life, right?
In order news, this move is kind of a big deal, considering we’ve lived in our current apartment for four years. Not that long for a homeowner, but in apartment years, that feels super long. But our new place has more space and — wait for it — a washer/dryer. (One of those New York luxuries that feel more myth than reality.)
So, now a question for you: Any moving tips?
PS: A flashback to digging out of boxes in Brooklyn the first time.