The weekend is here!

Happy weekend dear readers! What do you have planned? I’m celebrating my good friend’s engagement with a party (and champagne!). So happy for her and her hubby to be! How cute is the puppy above? Apparently, he’s one little guy that loves the water. šŸ™‚ Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Get to know Ali Ro.

Have any of you seen Breathless?

Words to sing to.

My new city mini!

An old edition of Eloise (and more books I love!). 

Girls weekend

Deer greetings. 

Baby news! 

Sail away.

Destination: Portugal. 

(Image via Aubrey Road)

The weekend is here!

Happy weekend dear readers! What do you have planned? I’m celebrating my good friend’s engagement with a party (and champagne!). So happy for her and her hubby to be! How cute is the puppy above? Apparently, he’s one little guy that loves the water. šŸ™‚ Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Get to know Ali Ro.

Have any of you seen Breathless?

Words to sing to.

My new city mini!

An old edition of Eloise (and more books I love!). 

Girls weekend

Deer greetings. 

Baby news! 

Sail away.

Destination: Portugal. 

(Image via Aubrey Road)

Two of a kind

I’m in love with every single one of the gorgeous photos found on The Glow, a site that offers a glimpse into the worlds of inspiring and fashionable moms. The prints above feature moms including ā€” from top to bottom ā€” Jeanann Williams, Lauren Moffatt, Ramya Giangola, and Meredith Kahn. Each shot is so playful and sweet! Do you have a favorite childhood moment that you shared with your mom? Were you lucky enough to catch it on film? šŸ™‚ 

(Via Seesaw.)

That one’s a keeper!

Tell me ā€” are you someone that regularly gets your digital photos printed? If you’re like me, this is one item that is always on my to-do list. I have thousands and thousands of photos, not only in iPhoto, but on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Shutterfly…the list goes on and on! As a result, I’m very intrigued by sites like PostalPix and Pictarine. PostalPix (displayed above) is an app that allows you to order digital prints straight from your iPhone. Snap a photo, and make a quick decision to order a hard copy of the image to be sent via snail mail to your home. With Pictarine, you can organize your digital photos from across the web so that they all live in the same place. I can feel my to-do list getting shorter by the minute!

(Via Angela is Here