Study abroad

Not that we need an excuse to fantasize about travel to places like London, Barcelona and Paris, but check out these gorgeous videos for EF Language Schools. They are beautifully edited and make me miss the eight years total between middle, high school and college that I spent learning French. What language did you study? Did you ever put those skills to good use?

(Via Design Work Life)

A Valentine’s serenade

One more from me today! An a cappella love song from the Dalton Academy Warblers on Glee. Swoon! Wishing you ā€” my dear readers ā€” a lovely (and candy-filled) Valentine’s! xo 

(Via YouTube)

Pillow talk

Happy Valentine’s dear readers! For the record, Valentine’s Day has never really been my thing, but I agree with Coco+Kelley ā€” instead of celebrating with chocolate and roses, why not toast the occasion by giving a gift that’s unique? For example, these pillows. What a clever way to send a message that’s pure and sweet! My favorite is “You’re Right”. Deliver those words once on a pillow and its the gift that keeps giving! 

(Via Coco+Kelley)

The weekend is here!

Happy weekend dear readers! What do you have planned? I’m hoping to catch up on some much needed R&R, just like Gonzo, the cutest puppy ever, pictured above. šŸ™‚ Matt and I are also celebrating Valentine’s a few days early and having dinner out with friends. So excited to try a new restaurant, and get dressed up! Here, to get your weekend started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Valentine’s stickers for your sweetie!

Sleep in a cave

Body inspiration.

What if you could live in a modernized barn?

Valentine’s cards from Mr. Boddington. 

Doggy bow ties! 

Take advantage of a snow day.

A trip to la isla bonita.

Make a Valentine’s pizza

Design your own shoes!

Ladies, sing this to your Valentine. šŸ™‚

(Photos courtesy of narrylikes)