The more Matt and I talk about our plans for our upcoming wedding, the more we learn about each other’s expectations, priorities, and “must-haves” for our big day. In theory, this is very helpful. In actuality, it can be very stressful. And surprising. For example, I always thought the only thing that Matt would care about for a wedding is a photo booth. (Most of my friends who’ve had them at their weddings can attest to this!). It turns out, he has lots of ideas. For one, a large-sized dance floor is essential. And mandatory. We’ve looked at pretty venues with small(ish) dance floors. His reaction? “Next!”
As a result, we put together lists with our top three priorities for the wedding. We got this tip from the book Practical Wedding, something a friend of ours recommended to us. Here’s what we’ve got so far:
1. Pretty paper invitations
2. A great photographer
3. Flowers
1. Big dance floor
2. A live band and… (his last “must-have” made me smile)
3. A photobooth
Maybe we’re more on the same page than I thought. 😉
Our lists will most likely change as we continue to plan, plan, plan. But to keep everything in perspective, Matt bought me the book above, called “Scenes from an Impending Marriage” by Adrian Tomine. The clip below—about invitations—pertains to item number one on my list:

Ha! Definitely made me laugh.
Did you make a list of priorities? What was on your list?
(Images from the book “Scenes from An Impending Marriage“)
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