Happy weekend my dear readers! What do you have planned? I’m pretty excited for a couple of days off. That said, this Sunday I’m running my first ever race in Central Park! It’s only four miles, but for a non-runner like me, this is a big personal test. Any words of inspiration? Please send them my way! As you kick off the weekend, enjoy a few happy posts from around the web:
A peek inside Alexis Bittar’s home (and a latex moon!).
For Beginners only.
Always remember to think pink.
The sweetest book!
Everything’s better with polka dots.
Fly from San Francisco to Paris, in just two minutes.
Bathing beauties.
A view from the balcony.
DIY polaroid magnets.
A trip to Pattaya? Yes please!
Boys, bring back the bow tie.
Vive le stripes!
Take a cat nap.
(Photo of Dustin Hoffman and Anne Byrne with their daughter via Everyday I Show)
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