I haven’t posted a wedding update in some time, so wanted to share details about my experience going dress shopping with my mom and sister over the weekend…
We scheduled appointments at three different places — one that was super fancy, one that was middle of the road, and one that offered a range of designers and prices. I went in with movies like Father of the Bride and Bridesmaids ringing around my head, not to mention swirling memories of dress shopping experiences past with friends who were brides-to-be. What I learned: The experience is less scary/intimidating and more Prosecco-flowing and fun.
First, the stylist is your lifeline. From the moment I got basically naked in front of her (and him at the last place), it was clear: This person is a wedding dress shopping game-changer. They zip you up, zip you down, fluff your train and cinch you in. In fact, my favorite dress was one that I never would have picked, but the stylist insisted I try it on. I also loved their efficient/all-business approach: No one gave me any faked “oohing” and “ahhing” — the dress went on, I gave my gut reaction and it was on to the next.
Going with family (and friends) is the best. Um, Say Yes to the Dress, you’ve ruined me. I was convinced it was a risk having multiple opinions in the same room. My mom and sister were super chill, helpful and — the best part — notetakers and photographers. Plus, they gave really detailed thoughts that helped me narrow down the most figure-flattering styles and cuts. (The one part of the show that’s true: The right dress will totally make your mom cry.)
Plan time for lunch… Oops, I scheduled three appointments back-to-back-to-back. The first one started at noon. The last one was at 3 p.m. So lunch was sort of a no-go. “We’ll bring snacks,” was my attitude going in, but we forgot them on the counter, so there you go.
…and time for a toast. We hit up Pair Wine & Cheese in Brooklyn for a bottle of Prosecco al fresco when we were done. We analyzed the pics, laughed about some of the crazy poofy dresses I tried on, and agreed — as the bubbles hit us a little too quickly — next time, lunch is a must.
Do you have any tips for wedding dress shopping? Would love to hear!